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Some pleasures of being humorous

If you want to stand out from the rest, if you want to have a distinct personality, if you want to be a winner/leader of the crowd, then laugh and make others laugh. To bring a smile to a sad face, to erase the sorrow from an poorly heart is the greatest service to mankind. People knew Charlie Chaplin for his humor; didn’t know the slate boundaries or distribution of color or race.

A humorous person is the centre of attraction whenever and wherever he goes. It’s easier to cry in pain than laugh and bring cheer in the face of adversity. So, obviously he’s above others. A person lives even after his/her death in the heart of people who are inspired by his/her deeds. S/he proves the world that if the winter comes, then the spring is not far away and lives with hope. S/he always looks towards sunshine leaving the darkness to the shadow behind. So, can there be anything better than pleasing a human heart? Can laughing heal problems and worries?  What do you say? If yes, why do you frown?


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